Please see the Member Directory below.

Pursuant to Virginia statute, only private security businesses licensed by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) of the Commonwealth of Virginia are permitted to solicit, contract to provide, or perform private investigative services in Virginia. Every contract issued by a Virginia licensed private investigative business must contain its DCJS business license number, which begins with 11-followed by a four-digit number (Example: 11-9999).  You may verify that a business has a valid private investigative license in Virginia by visiting the DCJS website or by calling DCJS at (804) 786-4700.

Members of PIAVA licensed to perform private investigative services in Virginia include the following firms:

Are you interested in an exciting career as a Private Investigator?

PIAVA only provides industry-related information to nonprofit groups, attorneys, government agencies and other investigators as a community service.

The association does not provide career consultations for laypersons, nor does it recommend non-member private investigation companies or training school services.

If you are interested in a career as a private investigator please visit the Department of Criminal Justice Services, Private Security Services Section where you will find regulatory and legislative information about Virginia's registration and licensing requirements.

For professional investigative services, please search member businesses at COMPANY DIRECTORY link.

To obtain a list of member training schools, please search our resources.

"Professional investigators belong to professional associations."


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